Web pages are broke. They always were, from the inception of html, to all the fixes: css, JavaScript, DHTML, Ajax. Now we have an explosion of fixes: sass, lass, Jade, JRX, an explosion of MVM and, even MVVM frameworks. An army of languages to write JavaScript with. Are we doomed to ever more complexity; cludge piled upon fix glued together by compromise?
Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Today I discovered Elm. Video presentations:
- What is the point of Elm?
- Functional Reactive Programming in Elm (@ StrangeLoop 2013)
- Q&A, Evan Czaplicki on FRP in the Browser with Elm, Time Travelling Debugger
Some links
- elm: a functional reactive language for the web (Elm website)
- Writing a 2048 clone in elm
- Elm form with submit
Academic (papers)
- Elm: Concurrent FRP for Functional GUIs
- Elm: Asynchronous Functional Reactive Programming for GUIs
- Functional Reactive Animation (Conal Elliott, Paul Hudak)
- Functional Reactive Programming, Continued (Henrik Nilsson, Antony Courtney, John Peterson)
- Concurrent ML
And a Haskell page to remember.
F# computation expressions